Yesterday at midnight EST, Toronto based singer-songwriter BNZA (pronounced ben-za) and Toronto based producer Young Jin released a single together titled “U”. “U” is an R&B style song that conveys the emotion of confusion in a relationship where a constant interplay exists, making it challenging to find perfect harmony.

When we asked BNZA about his new single, he said, “U is about uncertainty in relationships. There’s always a push and pull mechanism and sometimes it’s difficult to achieve harmony. This song is basically story telling the tipping of the scale in a partnership. Sometimes you want them to be with you 24/7 and sometimes you just need some space. It’s hard to know exactly what you want but you figure it out slowly or you don’t. Either way I just wanted to make the song as pretty as possible while sounding a bit bittersweet. Bittersweet is the perfect paradox for this record since you feel warm and fuzzy, but also experience a touch of melancholy.”

Additionally, Young Jin says, “it’s an easy song to listen to, but also gets deep when you dissect the lyrics. That’s what we wanted to create, so you can listen to this song whenever and wherever.”

The production of “U” has a very romantic feel to it because of that airy bell synth used throughout the song. The part where BNZA sings “it’s you that I need / my only dream / was you / it’s always you and me / don’t you set me free” is one of our favourite parts of the song because of the mixing and layering of the vocals.

Young Jin also says, “we experimented with various sounds, and decided upon a feel-good melody paired with Kanye West – Runaway type drums. The end result is the “U” beat, and we feel it really captures the vibes we were aiming for. We hope the listeners love this song as much as we do.

Last night at The Drake Underground, BNZA performed “U” for the first time at the CLUB BOYBND & FRIENDS show. Unfortunately, we could not go, but we were told by friends that the crowd was insane for BNZA’s set.

“U” is now available on all digital streaming platforms so, make sure to listen here.

Check out BNZA and Young Jin on Instagram: and @annyeong.yj

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