Today at midnight, Fortworth, Texas based artist Jadan released his debut EP The Places Only We Know. It is also his birthday so this EP release is even more special to him. This 6 song EP tells a story about the different emotions people feel in a relationship that isn’t meant to be.
We had the opportunity to interview Jadan about this EP and have him break down each song.
The Places Only We Know EP
First of all, Happy Birthday and congratulations on the EP release! Secondly, can you talk about the overall meaning of the EP?
Jadan: Thank you so much! The Places Only We Know tells a story about different emotions in a relationship that isn’t meant to be. I wanted to depict the different stages that people go through when they are searching for something in others. The EP is primarily based on interactions that I’ve experienced and from stories of those around me. The first part of the EP is supposed to show infatuation. Being blinded by how the person makes them feel. The second part is the feeling of chasing the “high” of red flags. The feeling feels so good that you don’t mind all the bad signs and put behind your own sanity. The third part of the EP is realizing your own self and feelings, wishing that things would go the way you imagine.
What was the production process like for this EP?
Jadan: I actually mainly use beats on YouTube. I’m always looking for songs that are inspired by my favorite artists like Keshi, Jeremy Zucker, Blxst, etc. Usually, lyrics would come to me in a day or two, usually about my own experiences and others around me. People tend to come to me with their problems and I take small bits of their stories to incorporate in my songs, making a part of their voice, my voice. As far as mixing and mastering, I’ve been primarily doing it myself as an independent artist.
Can you describe this EP using a colour and why you chose that colour?
Jadan: If I had to pick a color that describes the EP, I would have to choose gray. I know how different colors express different emotions, but I kind of consider gray as like an in between; a fine line of searching for something and the meaning. I feel like in this EP, every song is trying to depict an emotion though just unable to really express it well.
So, this EP consists of six songs that I assume reflect different feelings and experiences. Can you talk about the meaning of each song?
Jadan: Track one is “Out of Breath” and it’s the feeling you get when you first meet somebody. Your curiosity gets the best of you and all you want to do is to be around them, feeling like you’re out of breath when you’re with them.
Track two is “Anyone Else” which is about the thoughts of wishing that they were with you and not with anyone else. You don’t want them to see anyone else the way that you see them.
Track three is “Red Lights” which is about ignoring all the red flags because the feeling is so good that you chase the highs and forget about the lows. The red lights symbolize the red flags you see in different people. How the feeling feels so good when you’re with them so you keep chasing that feeling despite it being so wrong for you.
Track four is “She don’t Know” and it’s about their own actions, being wishy-washy with their own feelings and drowning it all out with partying, alcohol, etc. Though you notice these signs, you decide to let them do them regardless.
Track five is “Friends” and it’s about the other person leading you on and the phase in between staying and letting them go. It’s also about being scared of leaving those memories behind.
The last track is “Someday” which is about reminiscing and heartbreak. You think that you finally let them go but you start to realize all the things that you’ve been doing since they left. You end up picking up their habits of partying and drinking, beating yourself down and hoping that things will be okay someday. Additionally, this song has an alternate meaning where you are being so stagnant in your life that you keep waiting for your dreams to happen and you realize that, but you don’t do anything to change it. And you’re stuck in the same loop over and over again, just wishing for a way out.
You obviously have been releasing music since 2021, how did you find your sound with this debut EP?
Jadan: For the past year, I’ve been trying to find my sound. I had been trying to figure out what my music means to me and how I want to express myself. I took a lot of inspiration from Keshi in the beginning of the year, with his lyricism and applying it to my songs. I want to make others feel how I felt in that moment of time. I feel like now in this time, I’ve discovered a little bit more of my sound, involving more of indie pop, R&B, and hints of rap. A sound that fits me. I’m not a very outspoken person but in this EP, it shows hints of my thought process and how I am able to express that side of me. I hope to push my music and reach different Asian communities.
What are your goals for the future?
Jadan: In all honesty, I had never thought about what would happen at that certain point. The funny thing is that I created a bucket list of all the things I wanted to do and some involved music. I wanted to drop an EP before I turned 23 and I want to play a show before I turn 24 so I’m hoping that happens. I also want to represent my community a bit more. So I told you about how I tend to write about myself and the others around me. I want to be able to give a bit of a voice towards the community. Something where people go “I can relate to that” or “I felt that.” I just want to be a voice to those that are stuck in their heads. As far as everything goes, I hope I can reach more and more people with what I have to say.
Check out Jadan on Instagram: @jadanshai
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