hyejin on the cover of Monthly Mixtape: May 2023
Artist on Cover: hyejin (@abbyhyejin)

It’s that time again for our “Monthly Mixtape” blog article! This month we are sharing our top 12 releases of the month. Just a reminder that you can expect these blogs on the last day of every month.

Let’s get started…

Andreas Song on the cover of Monthly Mixtape: May 2023

Released on: May 1

Prior to this song, I never really listened to THAMA, but after this song I love his whole discography. However, this song is definitely a new and different sound for him and Lil Cherry – who normally make music in the R&B and Hip-Hop genre. “Andrea’s Song” has a very folk/country sound to it followed by Hip-Hop beats later in the song. Even the vocal style of THAMA has that country twangy voice filled with a lot of resonance. Overall, really loved this song this month and I really want to hear more of THAMA’s music with this new sound/vibe.

Listen to “Andrea’s Song” by THAMA and Lil Cherry on Spotify:

Check out THAMA and Lil Cherry on Instagram: @jungmintv and @lilcherryontop

Closer on the cover of Monthly Mixtape: May 2023

Released on: May 1

“Closer” by nochexintoma is a fun and catchy Korean R&B song. nochexintoma is an artist I discovered this month because of this song and I have been listening to his music since. Discovered this song under Spotify’s curated playlist “New Music K-Pop”.

Listen to “Closer” by nochexintoma on Spotify:

Check out nochexintoma on Instagram: @nochexintoma

Moonflower on the cover of Monthly Mixtape: May 2023

Released on: May 4

“Moonflower” by TAEWOO is a Korean R&B/Indie style song. I absolutely love the electric guitar production of it. TAEWOO is an artist I discovered towards the end of 2022 and I love his vocals and was surprised that he only has around 29K monthly listeners on Spotify.

Listen to “Moonflower” by TAEWOO on Spotify:

Check out TAEWOO on Instagram: @taewooet

I'VE SEEN THIS MOVIE BEFORE Pt.2 on the cover of Monthly Mixtape: May 2023

Released on: May 5

“I’VE SEEN THIS MOVIE BEFORE Pt.2” is a collaboration between Korean-American singers hyejin and Aleebi and Australian singer kasper. I absolutely love this song because of the instrumentation and the differences in vocal styles/tones. hyejin’s voice is very light and airy while kasper is a little more deeper and darker and Aleebi’s is more raspier/has a rock style. This song is mainly R&B, but also has influences of jazz and rock.

Listen to “I’VE SEEN THIS MOVIE BEFORE Pt.2” by hyejin, Aleebi and kasper on Spotify:

Check out hyejin, Aleebi and kasper on Instagram: @abbyhyejin, @aleebi and @kasperksh

HEY! on the cover of Monthly Mixtape: May 2023

Released on: May 5

“HEY!” is a collaboration between Danny Park and WIMY, two artists under the BAD KIDS collective. This is by far my favourite song by Danny. I love that this song is sung in English, Korean and Tagalog. There is also a music video for the song which has translations of the lyrics.

Listen to “HEY!” by Danny Park and WIMY on Spotify:

Check out Danny Park and WIMY on Instagram: @daannypark, @whenimetyou_official / @joaquincarandang

SNAKE EYES on the cover of Monthly Mixtape: May 2023

Released on: May 5

Now this may come as a shock to some people, but prior to this song I had never listened to Aries. “SNAKE EYES” has such a fun, cool, rock vibe and I really enjoyed it sooo much. Since listening to this song, I really enjoy Aries’ vocal style and how diverse his song sounds are.

Listen to “SNAKE EYES” by Aries on Spotify:

Check out Aries on Instagram: @aries

breathe on the cover of Monthly Mixtape: May 2023

Released on: May 12

“breathe” by melatonin boy is the opening track on his debut EP could you call me tonight?. I absolutely love the whole EP, but breathe is by far my favourite song on the EP (and in general of his discography). This song was my second streamed song this month.

Listen to “breathe” by melatonin boy on Spotify:

Check out melatonin boy on Instagram: @melatoninboy

For Keeps on the cover of Monthly Mixtape: May 2023

Released on: May 12

“For Keeps” is the first song on his triple single EP For Keeps. This song has a very indie-pop style with little elements of R&B. I really like the production, especially at the intro with that muffled intro.

Listen to “For Keeps” by Preston Pablo on Spotify:

Check out Preston Pablo on Instagram: @prestonpablo

MUCHACHITA MÍA on the cover of Monthly Mixtape: May 2023

Released on: May 12

This song is one of my new favourite Latin song. I absolutely love the Latin R&B style that FELIPE4U did with this song and the lyricism too. I think his voice really suits this style and would love to see more like it from him.

Listen to “MUCHACHITA MÍA” by FELIPE4U on Spotify:

Check out FELIPE4U on Instagram: @felipe4umusic

close with desires on the cover of Monthly Mixtape: May 2023

Released on: May 18

teo glacier is an artist I recently started listening to and followed. Since I followed him, I got this song suggested to me when it came out and it so far is my favourite song of his. I love how chill the song is and how it’s modern R&B, but has a deep bass and organ sound which makes it have a retro R&B style. I also love teo’s lyricism and vocal style.

Listen to “close with desires” by teo glacier on Spotify:

Check out teo glacier on Instagram: @teoglacier

Released on: May 19

This song right here was the one song I was waiting all month for!! I had the opportunity to see Koven perform it live and I have been obsessed since. I love the punk-rock production of the song as it has a very nostalgic feel to it. I also think Koven and Aleebi’s voices mesh really well together. Definitely a top 3 song for this month.

Listen to “LIPSTICK” by Koven Wei and Aleebi on Spotify:

Check out Koven Wei and Aleebi on Instagram: @kovenwei and @aleebi

blood on the floor on the cover of Monthly Mixtape: May 2023

Released on: May 26

“blood on the floor” is also another song I was so excited for! I had listened to it prior to the release date and absolutely loved the songs so much. From the production to the lyrics, kuiper tells a story that is definitely worth listening to. For more information about the song, check out this interview with him.

Listen to “blood on the floor” by kuiper on Spotify:

Check out kuiper on Instagram: @kuiper_xiii

You can find all 12 of the songs mentioned in this article on our Spotify playlist below:

Got an artist or song submission? Visit our Submit Music page.