Today at midnight, South England based rapper sixfournine released his new EP [#S]. This 6-track Hyperpop, Rap & House infused EP is an EP that symbolizes sixfournine and the change in self. When asked about the EP, he says “about 6 months ago I released an EP called [#K] because my name artist used to be KHRIS, and the K just symbolized me as an artist I guess, but since then I’ve changed my name to sixfournine, so the S just symbolizes the change in self.”


1. Fell In Love

“Fell in Love” is our favourite song on this EP because of the R&B sounding guitar intro infused with hyper-pop/anti-pop elements. This song is “about how people can become confused on their sense of reality when they fall in love, so I use this song to compare the distorted perception love can give someone to the literal physical distorted perception drugs can give you, so the song blends between being about a girl and being about drugs”. With this in mind, the song production is amazing because it has a sweet vibe to it – which could represent the love for that girl and it has a psychedelic feel to it – which could represent the drug portion.

2. Therapy3

When asked about “Therapy3”, sixfournine says, “this is a song that reallt relates with me. It’s about how so many people wanna just be around you for things they can get from you, not just because they like you. I say “I feel like they don’t see me / I mean really see me” and this is me talking about how I can be with so many people, but still feel invisible. Then, in the hook I say, “I love the way that she talks to me” which shows how even the smallest bit of attention, I will notice due to the drought of attention I’ve had from others in my life. This is really one of my more emotional pieces and the lyrics are as raw as it gets.”

3. Eyes bleed

Eyes bleed is the pre-release track for this EP and it was released on October 14th. This is a track that sixfournine says is about “the high life and living how I want to live”.

4. Die again (ft. muzz)

This track is another one we enjoyed as it has a really fun drum beat and the usage of vocal modulations is really cool. This track is in collaboration with muzz and sixfournine says, “it’s a more simple track and it’s from my perspective of me falling in love with someone and then it not working out and me trying to fix things after it’s already too late”. 

5. 3 hrs

3hrs is a song that is more on the dance music/electronic side and I think the production of the song really goes with the meaning of it. sixfournine describes this song as one that “expresses my love for doing whatever the fuck I want (which usually involves drugs or alcohol) and the song is just about being free and getting fucked up”.

6. Fuck

Fuck is the last song on the EP and it essentially “expresses how living the fast life and just being reckless has it consequences. I constantly reference God in the hook which shows how a lot of the time people will realize what they’re doing can only end badly and they turn to a more positive influence (doesn’t exactly mean God, God is just the symbolism for more positive things) and at the end of the verse it talks about how I became more motivated after realizing that what I was doing wasn’t healthy for me mentally and turned it into more positive things like music” sixfournine says.

[#S] is now available on all digital streaming platforms so, make sure to listen here.

Check out sixfournine on Instagram: @sixfournine

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