At midnight EST, Vietnamese singer tanny ng released his new EP glad you came, i’m sorry! The EP consists of 6 songs and includes his pre-release track “somebody loves you” which was released on February 15.
glad you came, i’m sorry is an EP that is filled with many emotions, many instruments and sounds mixed with lyrical toxicity. He describes the EP as “a wall of masking pretensions and a weathering coat dripped with self-questions, delusional thoughts and imaginative affections that I had so deeply for someone who never felt the same”. Essentially, this EP is a way of tanny expressing himself as a hopeless romantic and it’s his way of showing his most vulnerable self, which I think is what makes this EP so relatable, comforting and enjoyable to a lot of people. It’s an EP that allows you to feel valid for your feelings because as tanny says about this EP “feelings are feelings after all, and here’s how it goes”.
1. selfish (ft. wilngu)
“selfish” featuring guitarist wilngu (Wilson Nguyen) is the first track on tanny’s extended play. This song is essentially tanny opening up about the time he had with this girl, even though it was short. One of my favourite lines in the song is when he sings “we didn’t really have much, so that’s why i’d been wanting more. we didn’t even talk much, but still i was so down to fall”. This line itself just shows how much this girl impacted tanny’s life and how he knew that he lost her, but he still was holding on and wishing for something which lead him to I guess feeling selfish even though he didn’t want to be selfish.
I think starting off the EP with this song really beings the story that tanny is trying to tell. You know he wants us to know that he doesn’t mean to be selfish, but it’s only natural to have these feelings of wanting what you can’t have anymore.
2. wait
“wait” is the second song on this EP and it’s a song where tanny reminisces about his past memories and how despite losing it all, he still begs for a few of those cherished moments back. I think this song is one of my favourites on this EP because the sweet, melodic piano which is so light and beautiful blends so well with tanny’s dark, rich and deep voice. The light and dark blend really makes the listener feel the emotions of love and hate and happiness versus sadness. The bridge part of the song is literally my favourite, especially when tanny sings “in turn it wrecks us hard enough instead” – love the little run he does on “instead”.
This song is definitely the most heartbreaking and most deepest song on the EP and I think it’s really special that tanny was able to show this side of him in this song.
3. missed flight
“missed flight” is the third song on this extended play and it’s a song where tanny recalls the “what ifs” about this past relationship. When I spoke to tanny, he wrote out a description for this song and I wanted to include it in here because it’s better to hear his meaning of this song. tanny says, “it’s that questions that we both have always asked ourselves definitely not once. the question of “imagine we’ve never met”, or the questions I would have asked myself countless instances of “what if I did miss that flight, and that me and her have never actually progressed to us then”. what’s funnier is that i did actually almost missed that flight, and a blessing i had at that time did i grasp an opportunity to stay over the night and being next to her. it’s crazy that just a small moment like so just hold you back everything you could never want to leave.”
I absolutely love the production of this song from the guitar introduction to the build up and layering of drums during the chorus.
4. somebody loves you
“somebody loves you” is my favourite track on this EP. It was actually released on February 15th so I have grown to love this song so much in the last month and a half. This song is tanny snapping back into reality and kind of trying to move on from his feelings for this person who never felt the same unconditional affection he had.
I think this song is special because it’s tanny’s way of moving on and letting go, which is something that he hates doing but he is kind of able to through the power of writing lyrics. He said, “it’s funny because i hate moving on from something i truly felt like i could hold on to, yet then again, there i was writing and screaming on top of everything i lost and messed up.” I have recommended this song so many times to people so you better listen to this and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
5. let me go
“let me go” is an interlude that shows him clinging to his past and how it all is taking a toll on his own mental state. In this interlude he sings, “yeah i’m sorry if my feelings is why you let me go, but my tears are blinding me and I couldn’t find my way back home” in my opinion, it’s kind of alluding to the fact he is stuck in the past and can’t seem to “find his way back home” – meaning reality/present day.
6. fall with me (with jemzel)
“fall with me” is the last song on this EP and is a collaboration with jemzel. tanny describes this song as “a small wrap from all these holding backs, as his acceptance to his reality of already losing grip to his imaginary future with her, he could only wish more and more, and here, with jemzel, assert this notion with a rather emotional climax.”
Absolutely love this song because jemzel’s light, airy vocals with tanny’s deep, rich vocals blend so well together. I love how their voices compliment each other and tell a story just by their voices. Also love the “fall with me” part and how it’s mixed. This song kind of gives me Joji vibes. Additionally, love how the song ends with the voice note of tanny.
Overall, this EP is really artistic and beautiful and I am happy that tanny was able to share his story with us through these 6 songs. Also, super proud of him and thankful that he kept me updated along with this whole process and even sent me the EP in advance so I could really immerse myself in it and write this blog. Go support tanny ng!!!
Check out tanny ng on Instagram: @_tannyng_
Check out tanny ng on Spotify:
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